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the mystery tree

right behind my house
grows a tree
i like to look at
the trunk is always dark
the bark is queer
and i love that

'cause from the bark
I distil a drink
now and then
if you don’t mind
a drink
that clears my head
and makes me blank out
the daily grind

oh this tree
is just a mystery to me
a sheer curiosity
this tree is just a mystery to me
three cheers to my mystery tree

hey, hey, hey
to my mystery tree

right, the leaves are limp
the limbs are bent
the roots are twisted
in fact this tree looks gross
i know that well
but I’m not interested

I love it hard
for its lovely bark
and the drink
it delivers
yeah the drink
I need it know
can’t you see
how i shiver?

"...qualitativ hochwertige Mitfühlmelodien..."
Venue Music


"...hervorragende Arrangements..."


"...verträumt poppige Note..."
Hififi & Sterereo


"...angenehm unaufgeregt..."
Rote Raupe


CDs hier bestellen:
- "The Mystery Tree" (2015)
- "Simple Things" (2008)

Je CD 10 € (zzgl. 2 € Versand)

last update: 17.01.2016
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