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on the 29th of April
sitting in a bubble bath
i found out about the troubles
caused by nuclear aftermaths

i was 6 years old and childish
back then in 1986
but within a day i really
learned the hot world’s hottest tricks

you make me sing
black rain you bring

while they tried to fight the fire
in the ruins of block four
we all waited for the heavy
radioactive rain to fall

and they said don’t eat the mushrooms
grown on radiant forest soil
better go and let your doctor
cut away your cancer boil

"...qualitativ hochwertige Mitfühlmelodien..."
Venue Music


"...hervorragende Arrangements..."


"...verträumt poppige Note..."
Hififi & Sterereo


"...angenehm unaufgeregt..."
Rote Raupe


CDs hier bestellen:
- "The Mystery Tree" (2015)
- "Simple Things" (2008)

Je CD 10 € (zzgl. 2 € Versand)

last update: 17.01.2016
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