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the tunnel                                   

it’s me in a tunnel
it’s me and my brains
this tunnel’s as black
as the blood in my veins

and something is pushing
me onward and on
there’s no way to stop
and i run and i run

it’s me in a tunnel
it’s me in the dark
this tunnel’s as black
as the dogs in the park

and something is pushing
me onward and on
there’s no way to stop
and i run and i run

it’s me in a tunnel
but then there’s a light
that glows in a distance
it’s glowing so bright

and something is pushing
me onward and on
there’s no way to stop
and i run and i run

in the end of the tunnel
its port is in sight
i stretch out my hand
and i reach for the light

but jesus there’s nothing
and that’s why i write
this song of despair
and i fall into white

"...qualitativ hochwertige Mitfühlmelodien..."
Venue Music


"...hervorragende Arrangements..."


"...verträumt poppige Note..."
Hififi & Sterereo


"...angenehm unaufgeregt..."
Rote Raupe


CDs hier bestellen:
- "The Mystery Tree" (2015)
- "Simple Things" (2008)

Je CD 10 € (zzgl. 2 € Versand)

last update: 17.01.2016
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